SSL certificate, Public IP security, WAN management

We want our WAN zone management to be more secure. is there any feature to secure our WAN connection? Are there any options so we can secure more of our public IP. Which SSL certificate is best for TZ600 (SonicOS Enhanced HTTPS management? Please advise what kind of SSL we should buy.
any links or suggestions about public IP security, WAN management security, SSL, etc
please.. we will thankful to you!
Category: Firewall Security Services
Hi @samaj
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
You should get a webserver certificate from any certificate authority like GoDaddy, VeriSign, Thawte, etc,., Take a look at the below web-link for instructions on Certificate obtaining process in accordance with SonicWall.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
a commercial certificate does not make your installation any safer, technically there is no difference (encryption-wise speaking) between a commercial issued cert (with a private key) or a self-signed cert (with the exact same private key for example).
The only knowledgeable difference is how the browser is handling the connection and throwing warnings/errors.
I'am a big fan of running an internal CA issueing the certs I need.
Having Management open on the WAN interface is a constant threat and if possible should be limited to well known addresses if possible.
As always, just my € .02