NSa 2650 and SonicOS 7

we read a lot about benefits and simplicity of Sonic os7 and in our firewall NSa2650 can't upgrade to this version .
May we missed steps or what we have to do to upgrade to Sonic Os7 .
Kind Regards .
Best Answers
shiprasahu93 Moderator
Hello @RagabMabrouk,
NSa 2650 is a Gen 6.5 device and cannot be upgraded to Sonic OS7. We have released new hardwares like TZ 570, 670 etc and Virtual firewalls like NSv 470, 870 etc that will support SonicOS 7.0 and SonicOSX respectively.
So, the Gen 6.5 firewall will run on 6.5.X firmware.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
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shiprasahu93 Moderator
Unfortunately, on the Gen 6.5 hardware itself, we cannot run SonicOS 7. So, the answer is yes.
But, the NSa 2650 is a Gen 6.5 device and the firmwares and updates are going to continue to be rolled out for this model as well.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
We Just just bought this Hardware last year in June-2019 !
Do we have to replace our Box to upgrade to Sonic OS7 ??