SonicOS 7 - Version numbering

Hi all,
today I'am configuring a TZ 670 for the first time and was looking for the latest firmware.
I'am a bit confused about the different firmwares that are available and would like to know how to interpret the version numbering scheme? The first three numbers are straight forward, but what about -Rxxx and -Pxxx, are there any more combinations? What does R and P mean. I guess the number behind the letter is some kind of build number.
The appliance came with:
Available "initial" releases (how can something be initial multiple times?)
7.0.0-R464 7.0.0-R713
And there is a Beta available as well:
So my best bet is to go with 7.0.0-R713 which isn't that initial anymore but the latest release. If I wanna be on the bleeding edge I give the P715 a try?
It seems the old scheme Initial -> Maintenance -> General -> Early -> Hotfix -> Feature isnt't there yet?
Hi @BWC,
With the release of SonicOS 7, the notation of various firmware releases have been changed. The new firmware releases are as below,
'R' stands for Release
'P' stands for Prodsim
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Hi @Saravanan
thanks, but that looks like that there will be some more letters to come because what about Maintenance, Feature and Early Releases?
Hi @BWC,
So far, I have only this information available. Once when I get more details to your request, I'll share it here. I'll have to check with the respective resources and revert. So, it will take sometime. Please bear with me.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Hi @Saravanan
did you got any more information to shed some light on that matter.
The versions that start with the letter P are ProdSims versions and can only be loaded on the Beta hardware. Whereas the ones with the letter R will be available on the hardware made available to the end-user. The R versions will again have maintenance, early, general releases, etc.
I think the only reason you are able to see the P version is that you are a beta participant.
@Saravanan If you have any additional info, feel free to update here.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @shiprasahu93
I was not a participant of the Gen7/TZ Beta program, but I'll keep away from the P-Release on my retail units though. Which is a bit odd, because in the past I could install Beta releases on Retail units.
If @Saravanan do not have any more information about the different flavors like Maintenance, Early and Feature Releases I guess I can conclude, all I have to care about are the R-Releases and the respective Release Type will be listed as usual.
Thanks all.