How To Hide The List Of Available Domains From The Virtual Office Portal

I want to hide the list of available domains from the virtual office portal. This is in the online manual
However, the option has vanished on my TZ400 and I haven't seen the Portal menu for some time.
My Portal settings are under SSLVPN > Portal Settings.
Where can I find this option?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Hi @preconstruct
AFAIK there is no way to hide the Domain on a Firewall SSL-VPN, only on SMA (see your mentioned KB-article).
A recent cybersecurity audit here has flagged that as something we should address so finding something that should be very easy to do is not possible is a little annoying.
Is there somewhere we can submit feature requests?
Hi Michael@BWC
On the SMA, the domain list can be hidden on the portal. But the list is displayed again in the Mobile Connect Client. Is this intentional or is it more of a bug?
@CRISL I would go for bug, because it does not make sense to unhide the Domains by just cranking up Mobile Connect.
But on the other hand it says "Hide Domain list on portal login page" so maybe the developer just did only this :)
Excerpt from the Admin Guide "By hiding the domain name, this makes it more difficult for a threat actor to attempt unauthorized access. Your users should know the domain name of the organization." Let's hope the threat actor does not know about MC.
@Community Manager @Simon @Vai is this something to look into?
If you go by the logic in the manual, it shouldn't be shown on the MC either. But I have less hope that the threat actor doesn't know the MC. That's exactly why it would make sense to hide it everywhere.