AD Attribute configuration in SMA410

I am updating from SRA EX6000 to SMA410.
The current device (SRA EX6000) has been configured with Active directory attribute variable under resources. All our remote users are labelled as "RDP" in Active directory users which has the hostname of their desktop computer allowing them to control their desktop when accessing SSL VPN from their personal computer.
I don't know where to find this option in SMA410. Could you guys please help me to figure out ? Thanks
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
Hi @manicaps1
I'am not 100% sure if this is possible within the 100-series. Did you tried to set the custom AD attribute in your SMA domain settings? Like %AD:RDP% or whatever the LDAP is used for the PC?
Then you could try to use %AD:RDP% (or whatever) as IP address in the RDP bookmark, it's accepted at least, but can't verify if this is supported. It's not documented though, but there is stuff documented which is not working either (Creating Bookmarks with Custom SSO Credentials), just saying.
SMA 410 is way less flexible compared to EX 6000 (or later) and I guess the transfer was budget driven.