Standalone Configuration of SonicWall Switch 14-24FPOE
I have 14-24FPOE switch. Current Firmware is- I'm unable to configure interfaces. I want to configure the following configuration on port 1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 101
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
I don't have a SonicWall Firewall. Can I configure Switch without a Firewall?
I also try to configure switch from CLI but it didn't accept the trunk command.
Does anyone know where am I doing a mistake? Please let me know if anyone has a solution.
Best Answers
MasterRoshi Moderator
Hi @Roz,
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN's (101,10,20,30.40)
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 10,20,30,40 and put the port in question as a 'tagged' port
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 101 and put the port in question as 'untagged'
Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit port and set the Native VLAN to 101.
This would be the equivalent to those commands.
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MasterRoshi Moderator
@Roz ,
Trunk or access port is decided by whether you have multiple allowed VLAN's or not. For your example, it would be the below.
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN 220
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 220 and put the port in question as 'untagged' in the list
Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit port and set the Native VLAN 220
We cannot comment on ports right now but you can give each VLAN a name.
@Mallik -- this is a good feature request (allow comments on each port).
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Roz Newbie ✭
Thank you so much. I create all VLAN's and also add native VLAN as above.
now, what if I have multiple allowed VLAN's?
Foe Example: I want to configure interface 7-12
switchport access vlan 220
switchport mode access
and in interface 1-5 I want to configure
switchport access vlan 202
switchport mode access
while in interface 6,15-24
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
✔️ switchport trunk native vlan 20
✔️ switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10,20,30
switchport mode trunk
so how can I apply this configuration in switch?
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MasterRoshi Moderator
The idea is the same as the last two examples.
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN 220
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 220 and put port 7-12 in question as 'untagged' in the list
Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit port 7-12 and set the Native VLAN 220
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN 202
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 202 and put port 1-5 in question as 'untagged' in the list
Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit port 1-5 and set the Native VLAN 202
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN's (1,10,20,30)
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN's 1,10,30 and put ports 6,15-24 in question as a 'tagged' port
VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 20 and put the ports 6,15-24 in question as 'untagged'
Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit ports 6,15-24 and set the Native VLAN to 20.
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MasterRoshi Moderator
Our switches only do static routing (for system traffic). We currently do not have Layer3/routing functionality like in your example.
You can configure the L3 stuff in your firewall or router. The access list as well (although you can do access list to an extent in Security -> ACL Management -> IPv4 ACE).
Thanks a lot @MasterRoshi. It works.
How to add an Interface description and how can I configure switchport access and trunk?
For Example: switchport access vlan 220
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfast
Thank you so much @MasterRoshi. I appreciate your help.
How can I enable routing ? If I wanna configure as follow How can I give ip to vlan 20 and how to add ip route?
interface Vlan20
ip address
ip default-gateway
ip classless
ip route 254
ip route 254
ip route 254
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip sla enable reaction-alerts
access-list 10 permit