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Standalone Configuration of SonicWall Switch 14-24FPOE

RozRoz Newbie ✭

I have 14-24FPOE switch. Current Firmware is- I'm unable to configure interfaces. I want to configure the following configuration on port 1

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport trunk native vlan 101

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport nonegotiate

I don't have a SonicWall Firewall. Can I configure Switch without a Firewall?

I also try to configure switch from CLI but it didn't accept the trunk command.

Does anyone know where am I doing a mistake? Please let me know if anyone has a solution.

Category: Switches

Best Answers

    MasterRoshiMasterRoshi Moderator
    Answer ✓

    @Roz ,

    Trunk or access port is decided by whether you have multiple allowed VLAN's or not. For your example, it would be the below.

    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN 220

    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 220 and put the port in question as 'untagged' in the list

    Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit port and set the Native VLAN 220

    We cannot comment on ports right now but you can give each VLAN a name.

    @Mallik -- this is a good feature request (allow comments on each port).

    RozRoz Newbie ✭
    Answer ✓

    Thank you so much. I create all VLAN's and also add native VLAN as above.

    now, what if I have multiple allowed VLAN's?

    Foe Example: I want to configure interface 7-12

    switchport access vlan 220

    switchport mode access

    and in interface 1-5 I want to configure

    switchport access vlan 202

    switchport mode access

    while in interface 6,15-24

    switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

    ✔️ switchport trunk native vlan 20

    ✔️ switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10,20,30

     switchport mode trunk

    so how can I apply this configuration in switch?

    MasterRoshiMasterRoshi Moderator
    Answer ✓


    The idea is the same as the last two examples.


    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN 220

    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 220 and put port 7-12 in question as 'untagged' in the list

    Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit port 7-12 and set the Native VLAN 220


    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN 202

    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 202 and put port 1-5 in question as 'untagged' in the list

    Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit port 1-5 and set the Native VLAN 202


    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Create your VLAN's (1,10,20,30)

    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN's 1,10,30 and put ports 6,15-24 in question as a 'tagged' port

    VLAN -> 802.1Q -> Edit VLAN 20 and put the ports 6,15-24 in question as 'untagged'

    Switching -> Port Settings -> Edit ports 6,15-24 and set the Native VLAN to 20.


  • RozRoz Newbie ✭

    Thanks a lot @MasterRoshi. It works.

    How to add an Interface description and how can I configure switchport access and trunk?

    For Example: switchport access vlan 220

     switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

     switchport mode access

    spanning-tree portfast

  • RozRoz Newbie ✭

    Thank you so much @MasterRoshi. I appreciate your help.

    How can I enable routing ? If I wanna configure as follow How can I give ip to vlan 20 and how to add ip route?

    interface Vlan20

     ip address

    ip default-gateway

    ip classless

    ip route 254

    ip route 254

    ip route 254

    ip http server

    ip http secure-server

    ip sla enable reaction-alerts

    access-list 10 permit

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