Beyond Newbie? : How are "points" managed in the Community?

Best Answer
[Deleted User] Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
Hey @Halon5 ,
This should be remedied. Your rank was accidentally switched when we applied some new beta permissions for you.
Hi @Chris ,
Oh well.. At least I'm a level up from "Newbie", pretty tough after having been a CSSA admin and partner for 15 years.
maybe i could get a Rolex logo?
Hi @Halon5 ,
I've already suggested they could change it to your partner status rather than the random names they come up with,
Newbie is like you are new to SonicWalls, but based on the users Partner status would say otherwise.
Enthusiast is more like something you do as a hobby like train spotting.
Hi @preston ,
Sadly the Partner Status has only do do with how many dollars you sell. It has nothing to do with how you value your "Duty Of Care" which is the most important thing to us in the end.
15 years ago we started at Gold (we sold 45 TZ units to a customer). Since then we have gone to Silver and now we are Registered.
Like most vendor "levels" there is no bearing on how long you have been in service with the vendor or what kind of effort you make. We also live in a small country. 80% of customers here are small business and that means very small compared to the U.S.
We had been quite focused on selling SonicWALL exclusively and we had religiously maintained 2 x CSSA's for 15 years but since neither the distributor nor the SW country management (we don't have one in New Zealand now) were qualified I cant really see the point. We attained the MSSP Status "Partner Protect" (which didn't help us anyways) and that has also mysteriously been removed.
And now I am just left disappointed.
Hi @Halon5 , Yes I see your issue, maybe they could go off the user's CSSA level or SonicWall university accreditations, like if you become a Master certified CSSA etc..
I totally agree though it shoudn't go down to just how many units you sell, but more on how long you have been a valued customer, because over the years you could have moved to other vendors but you didn't you stuck with SonicWall, this is something that should be focused on more and rewarded accordingly.
Hiya @preston,
Yes, and thanks for your input. There are a lot of small long term partners around I'm sure. Much like we have, they would have a renewal base and would have, from time to time, rolled out upgrades, trade-ups, software enhancements and added value by following through on technical issues. It's grass roots stuff and needs to be nurtured... Small is beautiful. Feed the rain forest!
Needs some appropriate way to address as such, a Veteran Partner Status. 5+, 10+ 15+ 20+ years?
Anyhow, for us, we now hold other partnerships in this sector and appear in the same pole position at least (since there is no longer any advantage for us).
To hard to fly with your wings clipped.