firmware upgrade in HA

I try to upgared the firmware of our NSa3650 that in in an Active/standby HA mode.
I did login with monitoring IP and see that logged to the Active node. After did download the last availible firmware om my PC and upload it to the firewall, it take 46 minuts and still said Pleae wait, I did refresh the browser and now it says ready but I cannot see the new firmware.
Any idea why I cannot see the new firmware?
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Please try using a different web browser.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
I did try with Chrome and get that result, which web browser do you suggest?
Hi @mrshahin
I saw the same behaviour you mentioned with Google Chrome. I prefer using Firefox when accessing SonicWall Firewall appliances, this worked best for a while now.
@MRSHAHIN - Please try using Firefox as second option. If the issue still persists, please do a HA failover and perform the firmware upload on the Active unit.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Thanks for your reply,
I will try the Firefox and let you know the result.
Can I upload the firmare now and reboot the devicve later tonight?
Hi @mrshahin
you can upload now and boot later, no worries.
@MRSHAHIN - That will work. Please remember uploading always possible no matter if its production or non-production. Booting would be smooth and comfortable only during non-production. Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
@Saravanan I tried with the firefox and after 20 minutes still says please wait!!
@MRSHAHIN - That's weird. Could you please swap the HA units by performing a failover and test? Please let me know what happens.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
@Saravanan I will do that and let you know the result!
Hi @mrshahin
are you trying to upload the firmware when logged in to the appliance using the LAN IP or the Monitoring IP address?
you should always upload using the actual Interface IP, this will then upload the firmware to both appliances simultaneously, also make sure that the Adminstrator login timout is not set to 5 mins only as if it is taking longer to upload, it will have logged out the session in the background
Sure, thanks @MRSHAHIN.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
@preston I use the monitoring IP to upload the new firmware!
How long would take for firmware to get uploaded?
Hi @mrshahin
I would always use the Actual IP address that is configured on the Interface you are connecting to, not the monitoring IP
it shouldn't take long for the firmware to upload but it is uploading to two boxes at the same time rather that just the one,
When it does the firmware upgrade you do this also from the actual IP address and it will then upgrade the standby appliance first, when that comes back up it will then failover to that appliance, so that appliance will become active and then it will upgrade the firmware on the other appliance (formerly the active one), then usually when the original Primary appliance is back up and synced it will then become the Active appliance again.
@Saravanan and @preston
Finally the upload went ok and I can see the uploaded firmware.
But I see somthing strange, it looks like that the new firmware has older date then the currently installed firmware. Why is this and is it safe to reboot the Device in the HA mode?
2019 vs 2020, I would go for 2019 anytime, 2020 is a mess, just kidding :)
Hi @mrshahin
as long as you run the boot uploaded firmware with current settings and both appliances are cabled correctly then it is safe to perform the upgrade, all that might happen is a few connections might get dropped briefly depending if you are licensed for Stateful HA and have this configured, you won't see anything happen for the first couple of minutes apart from the HA status as the secondary appliances will be upgrading, it is only when this has happened that you will need to re login to the IP address as it will have failed over to the upgraded secondary appliance, these devices can take up to ten minutes to come back up, so just ping -t the monitoring IP addresses to see the status of each devices
@BWC sorry my bad, I will just go a head and reboot the device!