Please help me understand something about WCM

In one KB article I found about setting up SonicWaves, the very last line reads:
CAUTION: If you are using the SonicWall UTM device to manage the SonicWaves already then they will appear offline on the portal even if you add them to a zone. The SonicWaves can either be provisioned on the SonicWall UTM or be provisioned and managed via the WiFi cloud manager not both at the same time.
So I'm wondering: which approach is better in terms of managing and viewing the status of the device - using the UTM or using WCM?
I'm asking because I couldn't even get the Wireless button to activate after I registered the AP.
And why isn't there any form of synchronization between the two?
Best Answer
Larry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭
Alright, got an answer to my own question after speaking with a Wireless support technician.
If you want full control, use the UTM.
If you don't have a UTM, use the WCM.
There can't (or won't) be synchronization, because there may not be something on the other side.