port 443 redirection on a SRA1600

I have a SRA 1600 for our VPN, but I would need to redirect port 443 to a local web server on my network.
I didn't find the NAT port on the SRA.
when I redirect the port directly from my router(box) My VPN doesn't work anymore .
Someone has a solution to redirect this port while keeping my VPN (NetExtender).
Thank you for your answers
Category: Remote Access Management and Reporting
Hi @alain_fensor
The SRA 1600 (EOS 1NOV19) is not designed to set any port other than 443.
In the firewall you can NAT a different port and change the unique external port back to 443 for the SRA.
Thank you Michael,
I have trouble understanding.
when you say in the firewall you talk about the firwall of my box?
YW @alain_fensor
The SMA should always be protected from the internet by a firewall.
You will be right to think of the SMA as an Apache server. It requires protection.
Since all traffic to the SMA should come thru a firewall from the internet you would typically be using a NAT translation to hide the internal IP address of the SMA. In that NAT rule where the public IP address is changed to the private IP address of the SMA, you can also change an external port (e.g.4443) to the 443 expected by the SMA.
In the current firmware under System Administration we can change the port number of the SMA. But I think in the older firmware supported on the SRA 1600 it was not so easy. So the NAT translation in the firewall is the next best choice.
Thank you Michael
I'm going to try this
Hello Michael,
I didn't succeed in translating port 443, I only have my box to make nat, I don't have a firewall.
I have the opportunity to change my SRA 1600 by a NSA 2600.
with the NSA 2600 would it solve my problem?
thank you
Hello @alain_fensor
Yes, on the NSA you can set the port for the SSL VPN capability in the SSL VPN Server Settings page. It is the top item.
Hello Michael
I bought a second hand NSA2600 soniwall to replace my SRA1600.
I made a reset with the button on the front panel.
I can connect to the MGMT port with the address
but the admin/password are refused.
I would like to enter the setup wizard
what mistake am I making?
Thank you