Windows domain logon via SMA

Is there any way to join a remote computer to a domain behind a Sonicwall SMA 8200v and then have the VPN start before the user logon so that the user can log into the domain account without cached credentials? We were able to join the computer to the domain once we established the VPN tunnel, but once we restart, it seems as though the Sonicwall VPN tunnel can't be established prior to logon or as part of the logon the way a Windows VPN can be done.
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
I think you are looking for the device VPN feature.
Device VPN provides VPN access to user devices when a user is not logged in. To enable this feature, choose which realm the Connect Tunnel client will connect to below. The realm must use a PKI (certificate) authentication server. Enable device access to critical network resources such as DNS, domain controllers, and Windows Update using Access Control rules for this realm.
Its a new feature with sma 12.3 or later. It must achieved by new client software DGCT.