Cannot open dialog to configure SSL VPN client settings

Re: This KB article:
I'm running SonicOS Enhanced; my SSL VPN Client Settings screen more closely resembles the bottom screenshot (though the navigation bar more closely resembles the top screenshot).
I click the edit button as indicated in the screenshot and nothing happens. The configuration dialog does not appear as expected. The edit button on other menus does bring up the expected dialogs, so it does not appear to be a browser issue. I've tried this in several browsers.
This isn't mission critical, I just wanted to allow the saving of credentials in the NetExtender client.
Hello @Chris_has_questions,
Welcome to SonicWall community.
Even on, the Save credentials option should be under the client settings tab of the Default Device Profile tab. Could you please let us know what you see when you click on the edit button for the same and go to Client Settings tab? If you could attach a screenshot that would be perfect!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services