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NSA 2650 WAN & LAN Queries

Hi guys,

I am setting up a NSA 2650 firewall for a new office. We have CCTV cameras, separate offices that will need different LAN's and Wi-Fi access points. One of the offices will have an IP phone system hat will have its own fixed IP too.

We have BTNET dedicated fibre to the building that we have five fixed IP addresses. I would like to use one fixed IP for the CCTV, one IP for each office LAN and one IP for he IP phone system in one of the offices as they want it separate from the computers.

My question is, can I use the NSA 2650 to have different WAN's using he IP addresses from BT and then set ports on the 2650 to use each wan that will then go to a switch in each office?

The BT fibre comes in and connects to the Cisco unit that BT provided and manage. At the moment I have the fibre coming out of the Cisco units and into the 2650.

The cameras are all on a separate network from the offices, Wi-Fi and LAN and connect to an NVR that currently plugs into the 2650 for internet access for remote viewing.

I have used Sonicwall Firewalls before but not to set up anything as complicated (or may not be to experienced people) as this.

Any help or pointers is much appreciated.

Many thanks


Category: High End Firewalls


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