Changing the language to Spanish (TZ350)

This is my first time working with SonicWall it came highly recommended by the IT manager of the company I started with. I will be deploying multiple TZ350s (Two as a router/firewall and one as a firewall only) to area that will require me to change the language to Spanish. I have found the language option in the settings and the only option is English.
I'm guessing I will have to download an updated firmware and or some additional software. I tried looking trough the support section and I didn't see anything for the TZ350 or firewall/routers. I have not registered the devices yet because I do not have that information and will not until I get into country.
If I have to register can I change the registration later on? Is it possible to setup everything in English and then switch over to Spanish or will I have to do the setup on Spanish. My Spanish is very limited I hope to avoid having to do the setup in Spanish if possible.
My last question is, is it possible with the TZ350 to configure an additional port or a secondary connection for load balancing?
Hello @Crobkmm,
Welcome to SonicWall community.
Unfortunately, the only two local languages supported for Firewall UI are Chinese and Japanese at the moment. Also, they have a separate firmware and are hard coded there. So, you would need to use English for the firewall UI. Spanish is not one of the languages that can be used as of now.
For WAN load balancing, you can go through the following document.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
You can also learn more about Failover & Load Balancing in this document starting on page 379.
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager