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Re: Got nl down for ppp unit
@TechGuardian I had some weird issues myself on my Mac recently and it was caused by an SentinelOne Update. It ended up in having multiple "Filter & Proxys" installed in my Network settings. In my case "SentinelOne Network Monitoring" was registered twice which caused random drops of Network Connectivity.
It's just a wild guess, but worth a try :)

Re: How to check DNS Filtering service availability?
two different DNS services listed there but neither are showing any issues. I don't know if "Secure DNS Service" is the service of interest here.
Re: NSA 7600 Howto LACP ?
I'm not entirely sure what internal SonicWall switch means, I was wondering that myself recently
There is switch chip between most physical interfaces and "interfaces" on Sonicwall CPU. Some CPU interfaces have direct link to outside world and on Gen 6 these ports had a "*" next to them. This information is not available for Gen 7.
Re: Is it possible to use SMTP authentication for outgoing emails?
You can enable Authentication by clicking the Advanced Button on the page you mentioned.

NetExtender client error: Account already in use.
We are running into a sporadic issue where clients are getting disconnected (for whatever reason) and then they are unable to reconnect. The client receive an error message: Account already in use.
Before you ask, the clients have to be on the latest version of NetExtender before connecting.
In the past we could go into the firewall under users and/or SSLVPN Status page an see and kill the "orphaned" session.
However, ever since we upgraded to the latest firmware version (7.1.3-7015) we are unable to view any orphan session from these users anywhere on the firewall GUI.
The only workaround is to disable/enable the: "Enforce login uniqueness" under the
Users\Authentication setting. Only then can the user log back into the SSLVPN.
Have open support case #: 44756213 but no resolution to this sporadic issue.
Anybody else experiencing this issue with the 7.1.3-7015 release?
Would try to go back to the previous firmware release, but from the release notes on 7.1.3-7015 is says you are not able to go back to the previous release.

Re: NetExtender 10.3.1 Will Not Install on latest version of Windows 11 Enterprise
We found that we can install 10.2.341 using the EXE installer and then run the 10.3.1 EXE installer to upgrade it to 10.3.1 without an issue.
Re: NetExtender 10.3.1 Will Not Install on latest version of Windows 11 Enterprise
I've now run into about a half-dozen computers I can't install 10.3.1 on. I still haven't figured out a workaround. For us, disabling our AV did not help, and other running the same AV install fine (without stopping it)
I did figure out how to resolve my 10.2.341 issue without a full reinstall now at least! The service was either not starting or stopping on it's own. It would NOT auto-restart on reboot even though it's set to automatic, but you could start it manually (launch services.msc as admin).

Re: Multicast, mDNS/Bonjour configuration across subnets
I don't do much with Multicast, but my configuration at home comes down to this.
This address group currently holds a single object for (mDNS) in the Multicast Zone.
Multicast support is enabled in the Advanced section of the interface which houses my AppleTV and on the Interfaces where my different WLAN SSIDs are attached.
Access Rules into the MULTICAST zone are only the defaults. But you need Access Rules to allow client traffic (e.g. WLAN clients) to the destination (e.g. Apple TV).
That's it, no IP Helper no nothing. You have to make sure that Access Points or Switches do not mess with your Multicast traffic.

Re: Unlocking the Resources: Technical Documentation Team
@Larry Thanks for letting us know about these title issues. It doesn't do any of us any good to post an updated document but not give you a title. 😐️ I've opened a bug and we'll get this fixed as soon as we can.

Re: Unlocking the Resources: Technical Documentation Team
Glad to know someone from the group is going to be present.
And by way of welcome, here's a request. Go to the Doc Center, sort by Date, and scroll down just a bit:
Perhaps someone on your team can help identify (and correct) these errant entries.