Sentinel One Version 5.0

I’ll be the first. Is there an expected release date for S1 version 5.0? M1 macs are starting to become more common in our organization. I heard with the 3.6 are suppose to make upgrades easier. Is this true? Should we expect a quicker turnaround from the 3.6 upgrade cycle?
Category: Capture Client
@jramsey - yes this will get faster with 3.6 onwards. We are expecting to be able to support the 21.5 clients from July 12th onwards. Keep an eye out for a notification in the console.
For reference - our policy is to only support Generally Available (GA) Releases from SentinelOne. They do have later Early Availability (EA) Releases but until they are declared GA from S1 we will not proceed to test compatibility and enable support for them.
@jramsey quick side-note, 5.0 became 21.5 which is the new version numbering schema, following the pattern YY.MM.
21.5 is provided as a universal binary for macOS supporting both M1 and x86.