Capture Client 3.6 Release

Can anyone here give me an idea when we are expected to get the 3.6 release?
I opened a request with support they couldn't tell me anything other then sending me the knowledge base which I already know about which hasn't been update since 11/13.
Category: Capture Client
Best Answer
SuroopMC SonicWall Employee
@jramsey - it is expected in April but watch for official comms next week with more details on what all the release will entail. A major goal is to converge customers currently on 3.1 and 3.5 into a single experience.0
Thanks for the response. Glad to hear this! I will wait for the announcement next week.
An BETA test downloads of Capture Client 3.6 for my macOS Big Sur 11.2.x?
On CaptureClient Portal InformationBanner :
NOTICE: The upgrade of your tenants to Capture Client 3.6 has been rescheduled to the month of May. Watch this space for updates on the new date
What's the status on this? Management is slow like never before, throwing Request failed 504's all over the place. Client is not able to gather Policy.
Is it getting worse before getting better?
Same situation here.
Any confirmation the timeframe for the upgrade/update operation has ended at 9 am CEST? (SonicWall indicated The release window has been extended to 72 hours from 12am on Saturday May 15th to 12am on the Tuesday May 18th 2021 - all times in US Pacific Daylight Timezone)
My best guess is something went wrong and they are trying to fix whatever broke during the upgrade. Yesterday I saw a "Under construction page" and I wasn't able to log in. This morning I was able to log in, but nothing was working. There was a quite a few notifications and tons of 500 errors. One indicated using the new 3.6 url "" , I tried using that URL, but saw similar 500 errors that I saw in 3.5. Now I get 503 bad gateway for 3.5 and a license required for 3.6 link.
I'm hoping the SW team learned a bit from this and improve the release and upgrade process going forward. Waiting 8 months for the S1 upgrade is less than ideal. If things don't improve we may be looking for a new vendor.
Folks - please see the recent announcement posted in the Capture Client forum. Apologies for the delayed response!