Sonicwall and Windows Server network

in SonicPoint
We have a new Sonicwall TZ 400W which is part of a Window Server 2016 network with about 30 nodes attached. Is there technical documentation that would show how to setup the wireless part of the Sonicwall and for the user to attach to that wireless connection and have it so they could access the network server? Techs have made some changes so just looking for a step by step that would make sure things are correct.
Category: SonicPoint
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
Could you please refer below web-links and see if this is what you are looking for?
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
I was able to setup the Virtual Access Point and was able to connect to it without an issue - so that part worked good. But still have the issue where the user needs to be able to access the Windows Server 2016 network - not sure how this works? I assumed once you connected wirelessly, then you would be able to access the shared drives, but doesnt work that way - do we need to use remote desktop or what? Thank you
This question has been asked multiple times, and there are multiple ways to accomplish what you want. Sonicwall cannot and will not guide you past setup of their equipment.
You have to be able to troubleshoot issues. Think about where the disconnect is.
You are able to connect to the wireless network, obtain an IP address, and gain access to the internet right? How do computers translate a human-readable name ( into a machine-readable name (
Is your client able to successfully translate the hostname of the server you are trying to connect to?
Read up on DNS.
By default, SonicWall blocks traffic from Wireless to LAN.
Here's a KB article that might give you some ideas:
Note that this might open up a gaping security hole at your site, so I would use this with a high degree of caution.
Please ensure you have allowed the access from WLAN to LAN for the communication issues between the wireless and LAN resources. Even if the resources are in different zones that wireless users need to be able to communicate to, please check the relevant access rules from WLAN to relevant zones.
If there is any communication related issues even after the rules in place, please ensure to perform a packet capture on the SonicWall to track the dropped packets and get those rectified.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services