Problem with modified auto added NAT rule

I've had some problem with auto added NAT rules which I have modified.
A little background is that, I have several interface VLANs on the inside, which I want to NAT to different outside IPs.
Instead of creating new NAT rules I modified the auto added rule for the specific VLAN which gets created when you create the interface VLAN.
I modify it by just changing the source IP, instead of X1 i change it to a custom address object.
This works great, however, when the firewall reboots, the default rule comes back, in a new entry, ABOVE my default modified rule.
This caused all my modified rules useless.
Is this expected behaviour?
I reproduced this in my Sonicwall 2600 with
This is expected behavior. You should not be editing auto-added NAT rules. You should be creating new rules to perform the function you want, and placing them above the auto-added rules.
Yea, I usually don't do this, but I did not want to make an extra 300 rules above the 300 ones that I would not use.
Didnt expect the sonicwall to change behaviour after a reboot, but you learn something everyday.
Thanks for your help.