Split Tunneling

I am a newbie to Sonic wall but intermediate with Check Point. I inherited a couple of SOHO devices. The current Global VPN client that is being used allows split tunneling (pretty sure this is ipsec not SSL) Our policies require that I eventually change this, however, I would like to be able to "test" with some users for performance sake. Is this changed on the client or firewall or both and can you point me toward how to do this per user at first. Thank you.
Best Answer
Saravanan Moderator
Hi @GRADY0298,
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
You should be able to change the Split Tunnel settings on the SonicWall firewall GUI. The steps are below,
- Navigate to VPN | Base Settings.
- Click configure icon for the WAN GroupVPN entry. The VPN Policy window is displayed.
- Click Client tab.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
You cannot change this per user, it is a global setting. What you can do is setup SSLVPN without split tunneling and test with your user that way. SSLVPN is easier to manage overall.
Thank you both. I did find the setting. Although I have had a user run speed tests connected and not connected to the VPN and the speed tests are significantly slower when connected, which makes me suspicious if the setting is working. But I do know where the setting is now. TKWITS, I will look into the SSLVPN, thanks.
I am going to be posting another question here momentarily regarding LDAP authentication. LDAP is indeed working and the "Test" under the LDAP configuration shows that the directory is being read properly but I am not able to limit to a specific security group. It is basically authenticating any user.
Sure @GRADY0298 please feel free to seek further assistance. Glad we could answer your question on this post.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services