Active/Active DPI on HA NSA6600 in Wired mode

Anyone know if the Active / Active DPI function is compatible with a pair of HA with interfaces configured in Wired secure mode (Inline traffic)?
the traffic on the DPI interface leaves the active firewall but nothing comes back, which lets me believe that the answer and no.
Thank you!
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Hi @Piched , Don't know if this will help, not sure if you are aware that you need to change the settings in the Diag page unless you are hitting the default percentages all traffic will be processes via the Primary appliance
The default settings are as below based on Traffic or CPU load of the Primary Appliance; however, this can be manually set under the Internal Settings page to change the threshold or to force all the DPI traffic to be offloaded to the Idle Appliance.
Thank you for your answer I was not aware of this, however that does not solve problem. I openned a case...