access to external turnserver from LAN

Hi everyone, a company asks me to activate a connection to access conferences from my LAN.
I created a WAN-> LAN ACL from any source to on port 5349
Do you think it is right?
This below is their request:
Point 3 I don't understand
CHECK FIREWALL - Audio Video Conference signaling server
1. The signaling server must be reachable (IP
2. The UDP and TCP ports number 3478 and number 5349 must be open both for listening and for sending packets to allow client / server communication on the protocols for TURN and STUN of the signaling server
3. UDP ports in the range between min-port = 65000 and max-port = 65999 (this is a range of ports) must be open for both listening and sending packets to allow peer to peer coupling between clients for the relay endpoints allocation of the signaling server
Best Answers
shiprasahu93 Moderator
😀 Oh, that is definitely incorrect. Sorry, I totally missed that. It should be 65535. Please check with them. It could be some other number for maximum limit.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello @Alberto ,
It looks like ports TCP/UDP 3478 and 5349 as well as UDP 65000 to 65599 is also to be forwarded. You can create a service object and mention the port range as per the requirement. The service group can then have all the services needed.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
and UDP from 65000 to 65999(!!!!). 65535!
I will test it tomorrow
Yes, that looks correct. I think UDP 5349 is missing though.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
yes, perfect!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
works !
Thank you for creating an example, that helps those of us who are attempting to learn the product to understand. unfortunately many that answer with simple. do this xyz does not help but giving a good clear screenshot of the setup is what we need.. again , thank you