Create one additional LAN zone. example navigate to Network | Interfaces.
The sonicwall will handle routing automatically as long as they are in the same zone, no static routes required. If they are in different zones, add firewall rules allowing the traffic. Everything else (NAT included) will be added automatically.
Hi @JAlkazian
Create one additional LAN zone. example navigate to Network | Interfaces.
The sonicwall will handle routing automatically as long as they are in the same zone, no static routes required. If they are in different zones, add firewall rules allowing the traffic. Everything else (NAT included) will be added automatically.
Thank you so no Vlan? How do the PCs know which interface to use? I cannot separate the physical network
Also, once it is set up, I need the new interface or VLAN to use a different IP to route to the internet
Hi @JAlkazian
Connect a L2 switch into the new LAN interface and create a DHCP scope / pool for the PC's.
If you need to create VLAN with the X0 subnet please follow the below article;
But you must have to configure the switch port with VLAN tag ID for the new VLAN.
Ok... i am starting a new thread as i think i convoluted this one...
Thank you for your help and please keep an eye out for my next one