TZ Series HTML5 Bookmarks (RDP) Redirected Printers, drives etc Sonicos6.5.x and later
I copied the following post as it was very unclear
The "redirect printers" feature is not currently supported for HTML5 bookmarks. Currently only ActiveX and Java bookmarks support this feature.
At the moment there is an enhancement request opened with our engineering department to add this feature on HTML5 bookmarks (DTS 155574). According to our engineering department, this is planned to be released with the 8.6 firmware version which will be web posted in the beginning of 2017.."
My question is this something that is supposed to be fixed in SonicOS7?
Its a shame to have to by SSL-VPN licenses to accomplish something that was available in 6.2.9.x and lower.
I haven't seen any posts with an crazy amount of detail. We have tried to get this working with VNC which unfortunately is a no-go as well. Maybe if someone in the community has figured this out?
This effectively defeats the purpose of our VPS customers using Virtual Office as a whole. Technically speaking we could roll back to 6.2.9.x and use Active X or Java but both are have their security issues and not natively supported anymore. Including the simple bad idea of run old firmware.
When is the feature request supposed to be implemented?
If this exsisting request has been implemented for the SMA would it be possible to port it over for the TZ series Firewalls?