Ldap Authetication SMA 10.2

We are planning about purchasing a Sma500v virtual appliance. I would like to know if users can be authenticated by a local LDAP server. I couldn’t find a lot information about, even after reading the admin guide I still have my doubts. Any help is appreciated.
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
Hi @ThomasH ,
The SMA 500v definitely supports LDAP. You configure the authentication server in SMA 500v by adding a domain.
You are correct that there is a deficiency in the Admin Guide that is omits the section on configuring an LDAP domain. I will see if I can get that corrected. The 10.2 Admin Guide is in formal review now.
Here is a screen shot of selecting LDAP for a new domain.
Here is the FAQ KB which mentions it directly:
There are a couple of other KB articles that might prove useful.