How to update Netextender to the latest version on virtual office?

I have actually netextender 7.5 on my virtual office. It's a very old version and I want update to the last version.
I had follow this topic but finnally it's didn't works.
Anybody can help me please?
Best regards
Ayant besoin de mettre a jour l'exe de Netextender présent sur mon virtual office, je chercherais quelqu'un qui puisse m'aider a la faire.
J'ai fait plusieurs recherches sans trouver comment le faire.
J'i suivit entre autre ce topic, mais cela ne m'a pas permis de pouvoir dl la derniere version via le virtual office:
Hi @damien92,
The version of Netextender pushed by the virtual office depends on the firmware loaded on the SMA, or in this case SRA. 7.5 Netextender is very old and not supported by any newer SMA firmware.
What model SMA and what firmware version are you running? 7.5 Netextender dates from 2014, firmware
If you are still running that old firmware, the only image it will push is the one it came with.
If you are running current firmware, it is likely not capable of updating this old a version of Netextender. We only support this upgrade as far back as we support the SMA firmware to be upgraded. At most two versions back are supported. 7.5 is closer to 10 or 12 versions back.
You will need to uninstall the old Netextender and then install the modern version.
Note: If you use a management tool like SCCM to manage client side software, that will in most cases prevent the SMA from pushing an update to the client.
Hi @Simon
Thanks for your answer
I use an NSA 2600 with the firmware "SonicOS Enhanced"
Ah, @damien92 I should read the header better. I will ask a firewall person to step in.
@shiprasahu93 Can you either answer this question related to a firewall or ping someone you know who might? Please.
Sure @Simon.
The firmware seems to be really old on the NSA 2600, please upgrade to
The Nx version 7.5 is extremely old. What version have you set on the diag page? Could you please upgrade the firmware and let us know the version you see post that?
My test firewall is on and I get 9.0.276 Nx version from Virtual office.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
hi @shiprasahu93
I can't upgrade for the moment :/
In diagnostic page, I don't set any version. when I had do this for the lasted (9.0.274), I couldn't download netextender on my virtual office, when i clicked to download, nothing was happening
So i remove my setting, and after I could download netextender V 7.5.223...
Thanks for your help
Best regards
I don't think 9.0.274 will be compatible with the firmware version you are on. You can try 8.6.266 version and test. But, I would say the easier way to do this will be planning a maintenance window and upgrading the firmware instead.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services