How Can I Configure Secondary IP Address On LAN interfaces

Hi all,
I have Sonicwall NSa 2650 device,
I Need to know how the use of secondary IP address under one LAN interface is for extension of subnets.
avoid from physical interface limitation.
If someone can please explain this with example?
Thank You
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Hi @Prabath
you probably can accomplish this with static ARP entries + a subnet route, IMHO the one and only way to assign additional addreses to an interface.
But I'am not a big fan of having multiple subnets in the same collision domain, therefore I would prefer to seperate the subnets by defining VLANs, they all can live in the LAN zone though. This requires a VLAN capable switch attached to the LAN interface, but this shouldn't be a big deal. Please also consider what bandwidth needs do you have for each subnet, this can congest a single interface real quick.
Just my € 0.02
Hi @Prabath,
The below web-link could give you the configuration steps for static ARP entry creation for secondary subnet on an existing LAN interface.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
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