What does "Interface Xxx : SFP set on invalid module" mean?

On rebooting a 6700 running 7.1.2, SFP interface did not come up. "SFP set on invalid module" was logged. Ejecting the module and reinserting it caused it to come up. This was the firewall's second boot of 7.1.2 and this issue did not happen the first time around. So why would it randomly decide it no longer likes an SFP on boot? No, they're not Sonicwall-branded SFPs, I think they're Cisco. Been using them for >2y in this Sonicwall and 8y in the Sonicwall that this replaced.
Category: High End Firewalls
Supported SonicWall and 3rd party SFP and SFP+ modules that can be used with SonicWall NSA series | SonicWall
I know they are technically compatible because they've been in use for 10y. This was two SFPs at once that didn't come up. How do I see what the model is from the management interface?
You wont see the make model of the SFP - it maybe buried somewhere in a techsupport dump but I've never been able to find a reference