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SonicWall Mobile Connect newest version can support Android10?

Our terminal is running Android 10, but SonicWall Mobile Connect version 5.0.22 now requires a minimum version of Android 11. Could you please help us support Android 10? Thank you.

Android Product Support: SonicWall Mobile Connect 5.0.22 for Android requires Android versions:

  • 11.x or higher.
Category: VPN Client


  • BWCBWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    @Xingfeng I hardly doubt that SNWL will put any effort in supporting outdated Android releases. I can understand the demand, but using an OS without any current security update is more than risky.


  • XingfengXingfeng Newbie ✭

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    As of December 2024, Android 10 still has a user base of 9.3%, which is a significant number of users. Could you please providing support for it?

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