Error exporting logs by email

When I chose to export System Logs from TZ370 and choose "send e-mail" I get error "Problem connecting to your SMTP server"
My SMTP server is setup correctly in Device-Log-Automation as I receive email alerts and log dumps.
Also when I press "Test settings" under Mail Server Settings tab it says "the mail settings are OK"
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
I figured it out myself.
It was because I had Email Format set to HTML in Device-Log-Automation
---> But what I don't understand is why HTML for Email Format is even there since manually exporting logs from the System Log page does not work if HTML format is chosen AND log automation emails are blank if HTML format is chosen.
It seems like the only thing that works properly are email alerts if set to HTML format.
*** So the user interface should be updated so that you can select Plain Text format for manual and automated sending of logs via email, and in another section allow you to select HTML for email alerts so you have the nice HTML format that is easier to read and is colour coded for the severity of the alert
I opened up a support ticket and was told this was by design.
That sounds like a cop-out to me.
If you can send email alerts in HTML format that it has nothing to do with the restrictions of an email server so the developers need to take the time and fix this so you can:
Good find.
I would tend to agree with you that the response to your support ticket (i.e. "… this was by design …") is, indeed, a cop-out. I've been designing/developing systems, for the better part of 30 years, that send email notifications. Being able to provide more granular options to the users for HTML vs. plain text format for various notifications is a relatively elementary effort.
What do you want to bet that "… this was by design …" really means that the developers hard-coded the HTML/plain text aspects of their notification processes?