SSL VPN portal login not working - username and password cannot be empty

Hi all,
I'm trying to set-up 2FA for SSL VPN users according to
When trying to log on to the SSL VPN Portal with a correct username and password to bind the 2FA authenticator app it always immediately shows the error "Username and password cannot be empty." after clicking the login button. Despite both was entered correct.
- Sonicwall TZ270 running SonicOS 7.1.2-7019
- SSL VPN running on customized port 4437
- SSL VPN portal ("Virtual Office") disabled for non-LAN interfaces and accessed from LAN
- SSL VPN activated for zones WAN and LAN
- SSL VPN access itself without 2FA is perfectly working
- Login tried with different most-current browsers: Chrome, Firefox
Any help is appreciated! Thx.
Kind regards,
Category: SSL VPN
Firmware 7.1.2 is known to be pretty buggy, try downgrading.
Note it is destructive.
Otherwise open a support ticket.
Thanks for your reply @TKWITS. As the device itself is running fine in all other regards, I would consider a destructive downgrade of the firmware as ultima ratio to solve that…hopefully...
Despite having active gateway service licenses on a registered device, I'm not able to open a support ticket as it simply tells me that the maintenance contract has ended. 🙄
Anyone else maybe facing the same issue?
We are starting to see this as well at two different sites and models of SonicWall's. Compared to other fw's and find no difference in settings between them.
@Datalyst thank you very much for guiding me to the solution! SonicOS API was disabled so far on my device. After enabling it, everything worked and I was able to log in to the SSL VPN portal to register the 2FA device.
Note: I was able to narrow down the SonicOS API settings a bit to make it more safe and it still worked for me. Here are my final settings:
Thank you very much!
Kind regards.