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Separate Traffic between subnets over VPN

Struggling a bit with this one as I have only tinkered with our Sonicwalls from time to time. So thought I'd get fresh pair of eyes, so to speak.

We are running a site to site VPN between two subnets on our domain with DCs at both ends. I have added two subnets, one at each end to the VPN which run off DHCP scopes from the Sonicwalls, not the DCs, for our proposed VOIP phones between the sites. The phones will run on a physically separate network from our domain at both ends so no VLANS required. I need to know how I can route the traffic between the 2nd pair of subnets. I can see the two subnet destinations in the VPN policy but when I go to active tunnels it shows two entries to both remote subnets but the local entry on each is only showing our domain network. I did create an address group for the local networks in the VPN policy with the domain LAN and the X5 subnet ( which will connect to the phone network but the X5 subnet is not showing up in active tunnels. Essentially I need to connect a 192.168.0/24 subnet on X5 at this end to a on X3 at the other end separate from the domain subnets. Probably something obvious….

Category: Entry Level Firewalls


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