DNS display issue

On several Gen 7 devices running 7.1.1-7058 with DNS Proxy configured, I'm seeing this:
Or this:
But diagnostics says everything is ok:
Maybe this is just a cosmetic issue since everything seems to work. Anyone else seeing this? Seems to be related to that Cloudflare server since changing it to Google turns it green.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
I also have DNS Filtering enabled. Are you seeing any other side effects? For me everything seems to be working.
Disable DNS Filtering for testing and after some time you will see that the red DNS server status alerts will disappear - they will be green. I noticed that DNS Proxy Cache works despite this. Maybe it's a firmware error? Now I can't check it anymore because I only had a 30-day trial version enabled.
Thanks, I'll check it out. At least it seems to be working, so perhaps only a display issue.