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Dynamic DNS broken with ?

DaveTheWaveDaveTheWave Newbie ✭
edited September 15 in Mid Range Firewalls

Our NSa4600's Dynamic DNS used to work fine with up until 2023, since then SonicOS returns a Network Error.

My guess is that something changed on the API end of, where SonicOS can't parse properly with it anymore (this is common with website ripper apps that need constant updates to keep up with changes).

Currently the only workaround is to log into the dyn control panel and manually key in the new IP, a true PITA for something that used to work fine.

The NSa4600 is currently, can someone tell me if it's been resolved with a later firmware or hotfix?

Category: Mid Range Firewalls

Best Answer

    BWCBWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    It was fixed in but you should go with The Release Notes of gave it away :)

    Due to changes by, SonicOS needed to be updated to prevent Dynamic DNS failure withtheir service.GEN6-4189



  • SonicAdmin80SonicAdmin80 Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    This has happened at least twice over the years for different DDNS services from what I remember and it usually takes SonicWall quite a long time to release a fix. For my home use, I've moved DDNS functionality to my 5G gateway instead which receives faster updates.

  • DaveTheWaveDaveTheWave Newbie ✭
    edited September 17

    Right. I remember there was no, so I didn't even bother checking for years. And when I finally did decide to check, only was published, and release notes would not mention previous fixes, ergo my request here that was thankfully answered.

  • BWCBWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    @DaveTheWave there should be a cumulative changelog, that would make looking for specific fixes so much easier. But sadly it isn't and we have to pick up the crumbs of information from different places.

    When I checked yesterday the was still present on my account, today it isn't anymore. Release Notes can still be found on the web.


  • DaveTheWaveDaveTheWave Newbie ✭
    edited September 17

    seems to work.

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