Netextender disconnects after 23 seconds

My company recently introduce Net Extender to us. When trying to connect and remote from home to my work desk, Net extender connects for 23 seconds and then proceed to disconnect. I then get an error:"NetExtender has been disconnected for one of the following reasons: There was a break in the network connection. The connection was idle for longer than the configured idle timeout. Your user account was logged out of the SSL VPN portal."
My WIFI speed on 5g is typically 67.2 MBPS Download and 18.4 MBPS Upload with 15 MS Latency. My internet Provider is Breezeline and they say there is no security they have to block the Netexteneder, My Router and Modem are pretty old coming up on the 10th year, but my WIFI does break and does not usually run slow. I tried to restart my router and Modem to factory reset.
Also to note when i use my iPhone 3g Hotspot it connects and runs with no problem, so I'm assuming it is a problem with my WIFI.
Do you think it would be my Router or Modem that i would have to replace, or do you recommend both? Or is their a firmware feature that would prevent my connection to stay connected to the vpn.
Any advice helps, thanks.
Hi @AnotherNetProblem ,
Could you try connecting with an ethernet cable and testing to see if the same happens?
Yes, when connecting via Ethernet i get the same problem
It might be a connection issue as its working fine on your hotspot. I would run a packet capture on the firewall with your public ip and the SSLVPN port number to see what the packet flow is looking like.
Hi @TonyA, it doesn't sound like @AnotherNetProblem is the firewall administrator (although I could be mistaken).
@AnotherNetProblem have you reached out to your companies IT?
Yes, i have told them about the problem, the next step was to get on the phone with the Net extender IT and having them remote to figure it out, was hoping to resolve it before it gets to that point.
I will try this when i get to my home desktop, thank you!
@AnotherNetProblem Did you resolve this? We had a very similar issue with the firewalls for a couple of clients. Initially, restarting the firewall resolved the issue temporarily but it came back. I contacted Sonicwall Support and was provided with a hotfix firmware release that I uploaded and that seems to have resolved it. They gave me the firmware for both a TZ300 and TZ500 but now I am experiencing the same issue with a client using a TZ300 and will need to get the firmware for that. Let me know if you found another way to resolve this or if I have been helpful. Best regards.
My wife had been experiencing almost this exact same thing with her work PC when working from home. The only difference is there was no consistency of the timing at which she would be disconnected. But always under 40 seconds.
Someone suggested they found somewhere that this is an issue when your subnet is 0 or 1. They said they switched their subnet to 8 and it solved the problem. I made the same change and it solved the issue right away.
I hope this helps someone!
you mean changing subnet 192.168.0.x/24 and 192.168.1.x/24 to 192.168.8.x/24?