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I want to browse my sonic wall through https

When I browse in browser. It opens through http & on left it's showing not secure. How can I open my sonic wall through https. I am using tz 105w model. Please help I am new in sonic wall
Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • TKWITSTKWITS Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭

    Enable HTTPS management on the LAN interface.

  • alijan125alijan125 Newbie ✭
    It's enabled but not opening through https it's still opening through http
  • LarryLarry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    Did you disable the HTTP setting on your LAN interface?

  • blueblue Newbie ✭
    what port do you have set for https on maybe look under devices/administration/management should have the port number there.
  • alijan125alijan125 Newbie ✭
    When I disable the http I am unable to access management of sonic but when I enable http I can access but when I check ✔️ https I can't access through https
  • LarryLarry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    You MUST review two settings.

    First, in System > Administration scroll down until you see Web Management Settings section. It should look something like this (your HTTPS port will be different):

    Second, in Network > Interfaces, your X0 interface should look something like this (your IP address will be different):

    Save each setting. If not prompted, log out of the device and log back in. At that point, you will only be able to use HTTPS (and if the port is not default of 443, then :portnumber after your IP address).

    Hope that makes things more understandable.

  • alijan125alijan125 Newbie ✭
    I couldn't understand sir do you mean in X0 interface I should set same IP address as configured in web management setting? If not please guide me easily sir I am new here in sonic I will pray for you
  • LarryLarry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    I gave you EXAMPLES of what things should look like.

    The IP address in the Web Management Settings section is for the certificate. It has NOTHING to do with your management interface, which is defined in X0.

    The setting for "Allow management by HTTP" is what you should focus on, since you say that's the only way you connect. It should be UNCHECKED.

    Make sure you use the same "HTTPS Port" that is defined in your device to connect.

    In the X0 Interface settings, make sure you've checked HTTPS.

    Then, to connect to your device, use the HTTPS://IP_Address_set_in_x0:port_number_set_in_Web_Management and you should be good.

    /post script/

    The TZ105W went out of service at the end of 2020. That means you have no valid/current security services enabled on this device. Nor do you have the ability to contact SonicWall for support. I strongly urge you to reach out to a local technical partner or SonicWall Sales to obtain a current Generation 7 device with a valid license.

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