On a TZ670 to use the 10GB Ports on X8 and X9 as X0 and X1 what is the best way to do that?

I would like to use the 10 gigaports on my TZ670 as XO and X1 and I'm just wondering the best way to do that. Do I just turn off XO and set it up on X8 and then hit save? Just wondering because if I get it wrong it's not like it resets in 15 seconds to the way it was, I'll have to pull it out hook a laptop up reset it import my backup, so I just want to get it right the first time.
The reason I bought the TZ670 was because it does ten gigabits up and 10 gigabits down but X0 and X1 are only 1 gigabit ports. So obviously I would have to use X8 and X9 SFP ports.
Best Answer
johnnyz Newbie ✭
Well thanks for all the input I actually tried everything you guys said (well Not the bridge because I'm not going to bridge the 10 gig port to a 1 gig port, that would defeat the purpose) For some reason I couldn't get back into the router once I set it to default IP 192.168.168 .168 just like all the other times I tried. no idea on that. I had the network card on my computer set to 192 .168 .168 .167 should've worked couldn't get back into it… So anyways the best way to do this is with the mobile app plugged into the usb in the front then you can just switch everything and save it and then once you save port X8 to LAN it allows you to disable port X0. ALL SET. The mobile app with the phone hooked to the USB on the front is actually the best way to go for this.
Just assign a zone (LAN) to x8, and an IP address, and then assign a zone (WAN) to x9 and set static/DHCP accordingly.
BTW, you're never going to see 10gbps throughput, up or down. Yes, it has 10gbps interfaces, but firewall throughput is 5gbps per SonicWall documentation (perfect conditions in a lab setting), and if you have ANY security services running it rapidly slows down from there.
Ok, thanks. 5gbps is better than 1. And having the fiber connection is always a plus.
All the parts are in, I'm just getting ready to do this tonight after hours. There is NO option to disable X0? and Zone grayed out, so I can't disable X0 in any way.
So I don't understand? Once I switch LAN to X8 is XO automatically gonna be disabled???
I just really have to dot all my I's and cross all my T's on this because if X8 doesn't work when I hit save I'm screwed, I will have to pull the router out reset it, and restore from a backup and it's a process I really don't want to have to do to get back to where I was before I tried to do this.
And I will attempt the Wan zone at a later date. There's no DHCP that's handled by the domain controller. Right now just need to concentrate on the LAN zone. I stream 4 live cameras all day 24/7 over 1 TB up a day and I'm just trying to upgrade all my infrastructure to handle what I'm doing.
So if someone can please chime in with the question above on the LAN that would be great. I just want to get the LAN ZONE working on X8 with the 10 Gigabit fiber hookup to the switch.
And when I switch over to X8 for the gateway am I gonna have to reset the router because of the Mac address change?
I just can't have any down time I have four live streams going up with cameras. I have several corporate websites and exchange e-mail going. I've used sonic wall for over 20 years but i've never switched the main two ports over SFP ports…
Yeah again still looking for help all advice above does not work at all this is what happens when I try to assign X 8 for the land zone.
Please if anybody has any experience using the X8 and X9 ports for SFP please let me know I bought the router because it can handle 10 gig up and 10 gig down and when I got it I found out XO and X1 are only one Gigabit ports so I have to use X8 and X9 to get the 10gb…so just looking for some help to be able to use those ports as the main ports are XO and X1… I mean it's kind of worthless if it does 10 gigabits up and down and the two main ports are only one Gigabit very frustrating at this point. Please be kind and rewind and look at the other posts.
And there's no way to manipulate XO port and be able to get back into it the router, so its very important to make all the right settings! I can't apply any settings unless they're right or I'm not going to be able to get back into the router!!!!
Add X0 and X8 to the same portshield group. Then you can use either or both in the same network.
I don't recommend portshielding, as all switching functions are done in software and you will probably see performance issues portshielding a 10G to a 1G interface.
Use the X0 interface in the LAN zone as a dedicated management interface, so change the IP address completely to something else and document it.
Create a new zone (e.g. NEWLAN) to use on the X8 interface, and set the interface IP to what you were using on the X0 interface.
Set X9 to the WAN zone, set the IP address, and set as the primary connection in 'Failover and LB' settings.
Thats it.
So when I change the IP on X0 I still get an error when I try to set up X8 because of the subnet so I'd have to put XO on a completely different subnet also I guess? And it's just kind of impossible to do because if I change XO to a different subnet and hit save I can't get back into it to change X8. And I can't change X8 until I change X0. And I'm not worried about the wind port side of it right now just trying to do X8 at this point. Still waiting for the fiber to get finished in the street.
"And it's just kind of impossible to do because if I change XO to a different subnet and hit save I can't get back into it to change X8"
It's not impossible… Change X0 IP, set your PCs IP to an address on the same subnet, log back in to the Sonicwall on X0's new IP, and change X8…
So I guess I have to start using different subnets: I've always used 255 .255 .255 .0 and it doesn't like that
Sonic well really needs to work on this if they're going to make routers that do more than one gig they need to set up the function to say use X8 for X0 or something this is ridiculous.
Man switching over to this fiber stuff is hard i'm working on an esxi server right now and it doesn't recognize the 10 gigabit fiber port. Don't get it I was running fiber 30 years ago. is the subnet mask. The subnet is everything masked by the 'subnet mask' e.g. 192.168.168.x where X would be the host address.
You are currently using / as the IP address on X0.
You change the IP address of X0 to /
You changed the Subnet from 10.0.0.x to 10.10.0.x.
This is very basic stuff.
I don't buy it. There is a switch chip between the SOC and the ethernet ports. Everything that can feasibly be offloaded to the switch chip, will be. Even in the unlikely case that it is all done on the CPU, it is not relevant in this case anyway because the OP is going to unplug X0!
The other thing to bear in mind is that if you're trying to help someone with limited technical ability, then the simplest path to a solution could be the best one.
" is the subnet mask. The subnet is everything masked by the 'subnet mask' e.g. 192.168.168.x where X would be the host address.
You are currently using / as the IP address on X0.
You change the IP address of X0 to /
You changed the Subnet from 10.0.0.x to 10.10.0.x."
Yes I understand all this and you've made it clear. Seems very weird I can't just disable X0 but I get it, just stick something else on it and don't use it for the main LAN, use the X8…
I just want to be very clear on this because there's a lot of things running on this, and I have to try things after hours.
I would rather ask a lot of questions and get it right the first time, thanks
Well thanks for all the input I actually tried everything you guys said (well Not the bridge because I'm not going to bridge the 10 gig port to a 1 gig port, that would defeat the purpose) For some reason I couldn't get back into the router once I set it to default IP 192.168.168 .168 just like all the other times I tried. no idea on that. I had the network card on my computer set to 192 .168 .168 .167 should've worked couldn't get back into it… So anyways the best way to do this is with the mobile app plugged into the usb in the front then you can just switch everything and save it and then once you save port X8 to LAN it allows you to disable port X0. ALL SET. The mobile app with the phone hooked to the USB on the front is actually the best way to go for this.
Glad you got it worked out.
On a side note, theres a mobile app? LOL