Moving our office -- keep TZ670s?

Forgive the open-ended question.
We are relocating next month on short notice. I'd asked the company that set up the FWs if it could assist, but they have scheduling conflicts. So, I'm using a different consultant. The IT piece of this has to go as smoothly as possible and with as little downtime as possible.
The new space has a substantially different physical plant. We will have new switches, and the LAN configuration will likely be somewhat different as we rethink the legacy setup. The WAN addresses will change.
Our consultant has asked us to abandon our TZ670 HA pair so they can put in new FWs (different brand) and have everything cabled and tested. I'd normally say "Fine" except they are less than a year old, we have a large investment (for us) in them, and the bulk of the logic is on the switches.
Thoughts? Thanks
The questions I have for you are: Let's say this new consultant doesn't give you with the smooth transition you are seeking? How much downtime is "as little as possible?" If it is too long, are you then going to lurch back to your original IT provider? What will be involved in retrofitting the TZ device after the troublesome migration? What's going to happen with that newly purchased firewall?
You should ask your accountant about the tax implications of completely replacing hardware in less than one year. After that, you've got eBay and Facebook Marketplace where you can resell the no longer used hardware.
Probably not the response you were seeking.
Ask the new provider if they will buy your old Sonicwalls off you.
IMO, if you want the move to go smoothly than you will keep your 'legacy' network setup and not change anything. In all likelihood the 'new' provider isn't familiar with Sonicwalls, and your 'current' provider won't be familiar with what they put in.
Honestly answering Larry's questions will get you in the right direction.