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Migrate from TZ300 to TZ570

Hello everyone, the matrix shows the TZ300 settings will migrate over to the TZ570. When I export my settings, OS, there is no option to choose the TZ570 firewall to migrate the settings to with the Sonicwall migration tool. Am I missing something?

Category: Firewall Management and Analytics


  • LarryLarry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    I have never used the migration tool (I thought that was for non-SW to SW). I simply export the configuration from the old device and then import the configuration into the new one.

    Note that some settings may not transfer as you expect.

    I'd suggest generating the TSR so that you can have a readable format of the configuration and check that everything is set the way you want it afterwards (tedious, at best).

    Hope that helps...

  • Awesome! Thanks Larry!!

  • LarryLarry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    I am going to retract my previous statement because it is completely and utterly wrong!

    Exporting a Gen 6 file and importing to a Gen 7 device is a sure way to ruin a SonicWall (never mind causing you endless hours on the phone with Support).

    For a rough guide, use the Migration Tool to go from Gen 6 to Gen 7, export the TSR to be able to read the setttings. Then wipe it out, start over, and build the Gen 7 device manually. The time you take up-front will be recaptured later with fewer calls to support...

  • Simon_WeelSimon_Weel Enthusiast ✭✭

    My experience is the opposite? We had a TZ400 and bought a TZ470W. The old one ran 6.5 and the new one version 7. Exported the configuration from the TZ400 and imported it into the TZ470W without any issue....

  • I am migrating from a tz300W to a Tz570w. Will start the hands on work tomorrow.

    I am on 6.5os for the 300 and I suppose the Tz570w is on the 7.0os.

    At my other office, I migrated a TZ500 to Tz570w and had to manually enter all the settings. The two are not compatible.

    I would like to import the Exp file from the older machine to the newer device but am concerned about what had to say.

    Anyone with any positive experience with migrating from the Tz300w to the 570w using Exp files.

    What I MIGHT do is import the settings from the tz570w which is in use over the tz570w which is still in the box and then make site specific changes (Use as internet device login and dhcp and VPN) to the other device.

    I will be backing up my 570w frequently. Once I take it out of the box or make a major positive change, it will be backed up.

  • LarryLarry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    Best approach: manually enter your settings. That will let you review everything to determine what is - and isn't - applicable.

    Second best approach: Update your existing Gen 6 device to the most current firmware level, export the configuration, run that through the Migration Utility, import the result to your new Gen 7 device. The key here is to ensure that the firmware level of the MU and the device are identical.

    I - for one - would eschew 7.1.1 for the time being.

  • Thank you.

    I will definitely not be importing the TZ300 into the TZ570w. I have upgraded a few devices before, say a tz100 to a Soho and found the newer device crashing after doing an import. I had to manually enter the settings and learned my lesson.

    My sonicwall rep called two days ago about the older' devices having a number of expiring licenses. Given that it has a little over two weeks of subscriptions left, this forces my hand to finally upgrade to the newer device. He said the tz300w is importable to TZ570w but I am glad I did search on this before proceeding.

    I have a functional tz570w that I implemented last year at another office and had manually enter the settings. It was very slow and I had to call tech support that manually corrected a setting that apparently came shipped that way.

    I am going to import setting from other tz570w and then manually make the changes where the two devices differ.

  • OrdinaryDaveOrdinaryDave Newbie ✭
    edited April 2024

    Importing from one TZ570W into another tz572W for different locations is working. Both are on the Same ISP but have of course have -DIFFERENT- usernames and passwords for PPPoE. I got site to Site VPN working this morning and most other aspects working 2 days ago.

    Changes that had to made

    • Interfaces - x1 Wan - username and password
    • site to Site vpn
    • objects, particularly ones associated with site to site vpn
    • DHCP - static ips
    • How dynamic addresses differs between the two sites as I have a different subnet assignments, so of course that needed to be changed.

    Edit - Added '-different' to first paragraph, username password

    added bullet point to about changing x1 wan.

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