Send to another syslog always via WAN

My system has 2 syslog servers, One of them on LAN works normally, but the another syslog on another LAN zone can't get a log. I used packet monitor found that log traffic always routed to WAN. Is there anything else I missed or need to adjust please?
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
Syslog, management, DNS, etc. packets generated by the firewall will not be routed outside of the outbound interface. For instance, you have a static route for LAN traffic to go to 10.11.12.x via another gateway on the LAN. Normal (PC / Server generated) traffic can route there, but firewall 'management' traffic from its LAN interface destined to 10.11.12.x won't ever get routed to that gateway.
This is by design and might be what you are dealing with, but without more details we won't be able to say for certain.
Thank you. I found that I assigned a wrong static route for internal 2nd LAN zone.