How to get 500 CER points in SonicWall university?

We would like to get SNSA certificate for our employees.
From our Sonicwall representatives we got following information;
"Instead of doing Instructor-Led training, you can earn 500 points in SonicWall University. Max. 48 hours later you will receive an invitation to visit SNSA eLearning Training with the key for the certification. If you don't pass, you can buy a follow-up key and repeat the certification (about 150 euros). This gives you the option to skip Instructor-Led Training and related costs"
But as out employees started to take training programs, they realized that they are unable to collect aforementioned 500 points, but maximally 272 points.
Is there a viable way to collect 500 points on Sonicwall university, and if so - could you please describe the way how to achieve that?
With kind regards,
Hi Luka,
This option is available only to SonicWall partners. If you are working for a SonicWall partner and do not have access to enough points, please email the SWU Training Support team at
Thank you,
I think the same will go with Fortigate, CISCO and other brands. No way to get cert with normal prices available for humans. You must be an alien or win the lottery to pay £1,194.00 to get SNSA access. So, probably in this case, NS4 from Fortigate will be cheeper and at least in Poland more companies use Fortigate than SonicWall. Anyway, it is nice to be able at least learn some basics about SonicWall products. But sadly, there is no way to register products bought from the aftermarket.