Change Password of Local Users / User not logged out after closing browser or login tab

1- right now user can change the password himself but I want to change settings so the user should not change the password himself. only admins can change the local user's password.
2- NOTE: Please leave this page open - if you close it or browse away you will be logged out from the SonicWall and lose access through it.
But when I close the tab or browser it is not logged out and the internet is working. Is it possible that the user closes the login tab or the browser then user will be logged out at that time?
pls, suggest some settings for that....
TZ600 SonicOS
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Category: Entry Level Firewalls
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Hope this answers.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
what is this? preview not showing....
I noticed that while I was testing. Happens with all the browsers. Seems to be an issue with Java render. Click on OK to proceed further and check if you are getting a Preview page. You may need to test the behavior directly by logging into the SonicWall. Regarding the java render error, you may need to open up a support case and then check. I checked for this error internally and found nothing reported.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
1- To prevent local users from changing their own passwords and restrict this ability to administrators only, you should access the SonicWall management interface and modify user roles and permissions. Ensure that regular users are not granted the privilege to change their passwords, while administrators retain this capability.
2- Enabling automatic logout upon closing the tab or browser is a security feature that can be configured in the SonicWall settings. You may need to adjust session timeout settings, implementing a shorter timeout period to enhance security and automatic logout upon inactivity.
Your system version is TZ600 SonicOS