core 0 100% , "tInsertHighLogTask"

I'm using sonicwall nsa 4600.
Since 5 days ago, the core 0 100% went up, so I checked the process monitor and found that tInsertHighLogTask is very high.
So I changed the Display evnets in log monitor to 240sec because I thought it was a process related to logs.
But core 0 still kept at 100.
I don't know why.
I ask for your help.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Hello @khseo .
To have a little better insight, can you please answer the following questions?
Have you made any changes on your firewall configuration, prior to this?
What firmware is running on the firewall?
What is the Logging Level?
hello @MustafaA
Thank you for your answer.
Added policy to firewall but no log-related settings.
The firewall firmware you are using is
Will changing to the latest firmware resolve the issue?
Finally, the logging level is 'inform'.
alert level is an error.
Make sure you dont have any unknown / unused FQDN object in your firewall & upgrade the latest Firmware it will help you to resolve the issue.
The FQDN Objact is the same as before.
I wonder why the tInsertHighLogTask process has increased rapidly since 5 days ago
Do you think uploading with the latest firmware will solve this problem?
Hello @khseo
You should check log settings and convert to debug to inform log config. and remove logging setting temporarily for all access rules
Hello @MitatOnge
As mentioned above, the log setting is 'inform'
I know that setting it to debugging can increase the above process due to a lot of logs.
some of logs are creating by the sonicwall security services. these are increasing your cpu. You should check the services. may be access rules create log bottleneck or security services create a lot of logs. generally cpu0 assigned and responsible for vpn, logs, dhcp and management ui. you should check step by step these services.