NSA250 M SIP sessions

We have as NSA250M that acts as a firewall to many SIP endpoints. It has worked well for 2 years but recently we started experiencing dropped calls and call completion problems. I'm thinking that we may be running into a session limit on the NSA250M. Is there a limit to active sessions? I see 1000+ connections in Connection Monitor.
Best Answer
shiprasahu93 Moderator
Yes, you are right. NSA 250M is a Gen 5 device which only has 2 cores. Out of the two cores one is CP (Control plane) used for management traffic and the other is DP (Data plane) used for data traffic.
I am afraid there could be a possibility that this device is not able to support so many connections at once due to the same.
This device is going to be End of Support pretty soon. Here is a screenshot of the dates.
You can visit the following link to check the same for any product models.
You can work with out Support team to see if there can be any tweaks done to the existing device, but as far as long term goes, it would be best to go for a Gen 6.5 NSa appliance. You can check with your Sales representative to help you with the same.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello @GTINetworks,
Every device has a limit on maximum number of connections it can handle at any point of time. You can find that under System | Status section.
The connection monitor shows you the top 1000 connections. Could you please check if the CPU utilization is on a higher side?
Also, how many phones do you have behind the firewall? How many simultaneous calls are being made?
The best way to troubleshoot this would be performing packet capture during a failed call to see what really happened.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Thank you for the fast response. We have approximately 2000 phones behind the firewall. Not sure if I can tell how many simultaneous calls are happening.
CPU utilization is bounces between 20 and 40% on core 1 and core 2.:
Data Plane: 31.00%Control Plane: 32.00%
2 x 700 MHz Mips64 Octeon Processor
Does this mean I only have two cores, or are there more?