noob Can't get simple port forward to work.

Hi. I have a TZ-370 and I can't get this firewall rule to work.
I want to allow external IP port 10236 access to my public IP and forward to local on port 631
I created a Host address object for called 111Cloud
I created a Host address object for called Printer236
I created a service called Port10236
I created a service called Port_631
Then I created a Policy as shown below. But it doesn't work. Can someone help me?
Best Answer
GreatZ Newbie ✭
I figured it out thanks to hints from you all AND a surprisingly good answer from Bing AI. I had made a wrong setting in the NAT rule. All is working well now.
It seems you forgot the other half of the 'port-forward', a NAT policy. The below KB should help, you'll just need to use your own IPs, Ports, etc. rather than their examples.
For port forwarding you need the Access Rule, which you have done, and the NAT Policy.
Thanks to you both. I'm still struggling with this, but I won't be able to get back to it for another day or so. Will work further and followup then.
You've specified the source port. Are you sure you meant to do that? It's unusual to have a fixed source port, they're usually randomly generated.
Apologies for the delayed response. I'm still working on this. Thanks for y'alls continued support.
@Arkwright Here's the use case: a server in Google Cloud needs to send CUPS print jobs (port 631) to either one of two on-prem printers.
The server will use port 10236 to print to our printer at and port 10237 to print to our printer at
Just for the benefit of others reading this, what was the fix?