Where can I find the Connect Tunnel for Windows API?

in VPN Client
Working with (Modern) Connect Tunnel for Windows 12.4.2 in an SMA1000 12.4.2 environment. In the latest client hot fix notes (below) it mentions "Connect Tunnel for Windows API enhancements" - Is this API available to end users? I cannot seem to find any reference but would be very interested. Name: clt-hotfix-12.4.2-05441 Type: Hotfix Date: Fri Mar 17 19:11:32 UTC 2023 SMA1000-6069 : Connect Tunnel for Windows API enhancements
Category: VPN Client
@Doug_Daniel it might be related to Windows RAS API, search for a newer version of this document:
Thanks, but the Modern Connect Tunnel/MCT or Connect Tunnel for Device Guard DGCT does not use the RAS APIs. (Now I am having trouble finding the "release" information on MCT/DGCT modern connect tunnel)
So I am still looking for a 12.4.2 Connect Tunnel API if that exists
I guess "Modern Connect Tunnel"/MCT is just called "Connect Tunnel" and the older. RAS based version is now called "Legacy Connect Tunnel" in all the documentation.
So I am looking to see if there is indeed a Connect Tunnel API we can get access to. I could not find a "Client Extensibility" guide for Connect Tunnel 12.4, only the older guides which apply to the legacy connect tunnel clients.