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Anyone using "Enhanced Filtering for Connectors"?

SonicAdmin80SonicAdmin80 Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

I just found out that there's a feature in Exchange Online called "Enhanced Filtering for Connectors". Is anyone using this when Sonicwall Email Security is in front of Exchange Online? If you are, what's your experience, does it do any good?

I was recommended this after the second time in two months my ES IP addresses were throttled by Microsoft and I had to contact their support to get mail flowing again.

One noticeable section on that page says:

"If you have mail flow rules (also known as transport rules) that set the SCL to -1 for messages that flow through this connector, you need to disable those mail flow rules after you enable Enhanced Filtering for Connectors."

That doesn't sound too good. So in essence you would be using two overlapping email protection systems, which might cause more confusion if Exchange Online Protection evaluates something differently than ES.

Category: Email Security Appliances


  • David WDavid W SonicWall Employee

    I don;t know about the "Enhanced Filtering for Connectors".

    However we do suppest setting up IP specific connectors to help ensure they are treated as trusted IP address.

    David Wilbur

    Technical Support Senior Advisor, Premier Services , SME Email Security, Cloud Secure Edge

  • SonicAdmin80SonicAdmin80 Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    I'm considering trying out Enhanced Filtering for Connectors, to see if it would fill some of the gaps that Email Security leaves, allowing occasionally phishing messages to go through.

    Has anyone tried it out in the last two years?

    What's the official SonicWall stance, is SCL -1 rule still the recommended installation method?

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