TikTok still showing up even after using Sonicwall Directions

Hello, We're using a TZ350 Firwewall and have followed the directions to block tiktok access here: How to Block TikTok using Access Rules | SonicWall but I'm still able to pull up the tiktok.com website. My goal is to completely deny any connection to the tiktok service for our organization and I am hoping someone can help me figure out what I'm missing. Thank you!
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
You haven't shown us your access rules...
Will get that posted as soon as I can read up on how to export that. This is an inherited device and I am novice at best when it comes to sonicOS. I literally followed the directions in the post.
A screenshot will do along with a brief description / diagram of the network.
Hello Callaway! Hope you're fine!
Firewall rules act on "connection establishment" state. So, it will evaluate the host names you specify inside the "Address Group". If there is some sort of failure on "name resolution", it will fail on applying firewall rule.
For the method you are using, a "best practice" is to use the "More specific" -> "More general" rules method. In this method you place the most specific rules on the top of rules list, leaving the most generic to the end.
So you will have to place the Firewall Rule blocking action to the top of rules list.
But, I believe that the most effective way to block TikTok is using App Control through Match Objects.
You can then create an App Rule to block this Match Object.
App Rules use App HTTPS certificate signature to verify the App being used. So, this is a more effective method of blocking this type of application than firewall rules.
Hope I have helped.
Best regards!
Thanks all,
Finally got back into the office. Screenshots are attached
Object Addresses
Objects Address Group
Access Rule
App Rule
Please let me know what else I can provide to help. Thank you!