How to access the global dashboard view?

For some reason, I'm unable to access the global dashboard which would allow me to see at a glance the current state of our clients.
When accessing the Capture Security Center, the drop-down list next to the "Capture Client Management" at the top of the screen displays only the tenants.
The way the CSC is set up right now, I have to go through the list of our tenants one at a time to monitor their activities.
How do I access the global dashboard view?
Best Answer
SuroopMC SonicWall Employee
@Philippe_V_C - what you're referring to is an Account. This is made available on request to MSSP partners - please reach out to your Channel Account Manager to get access to this. FOr more information, please see this KB article:
Here are a couple of screenshots.
This is what my dashboard should look like (taken from SonicWall University):
And here:
And here's what I have:
What I don't have specifically is this:
The tenants seem to be grouped under a user of some sort.
I wonder if I have to create user or tenant groups in order to view to have to global view.
Thanks for the help!
I dont use CSC, but my guess would be like you said. If you aren't using tenant groups you won't get that view. Also for organizational purposes tenant groups are key.
Thank you for your reply. I'll see if that works.
Is this the proper method to create user groups in CSC?
According to the article, this is what I should be seeing when I log in to
But what I see is what is shown in the screenshots I posted above.
How do I access this page?