NSA, TZ, & SOHO Loopback Interface Configuration

Could anyone point me to some documentation on configuring loopback interfaces on the NSA, TZ, & SOHO firewalls? I'm wanting to configure a /32 loopback on the interface X0 and then have virtual interfaces with tied to different zones / vlans for example X0:V10 DMZ-2, X0:V20 DMZ-3 as a router on a stick.
I have it working configuring X0 as an IP Unnumbered interface but am only able to assign a subnet of a /31.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
I have never seen a loopback interface on a Sonicwall in my many years of experience. Is that the best way to accomplish your goal?
Thanks for your reply! It is working as needed. I was just wanting to know why I couldn't configure it as a /32 and if I was doing something wrong.